Truth Seeking

During the past couple of weeks in our expository overview of the book of Acts, we have been examining the accounts of three ‘conversions’; Simon the magician (not a true conversion by the way), the Ethiopian eunuch, and Saul of Tarsus.  A point which was not lost in the passage of the conversion of the eunuch, was that he ‘went to Jerusalem to worship’.  The question raised during our study was ‘what did he find when he arrived in Jerusalem’.  Did he find worship or did he find  pomp and circumstance, ritual, and traditions of men?  As one on a journey to truly worship, a ‘truth seeker’, he could not have been satisfied. The point made was this, may we at Center Hill, always find ourselves committed to the proclamation of the entire truth of God’s word.  May we always preach and teach good doctrine, so that those who hunger for the truth of God’s word find it in the ministries of CHCC. I read with great encouragement, the blog of Tim Challies entitled Ruined for Anything Else would invite you to read his blog by simply clicking on the title.  He states the issue much better than I.  The good news, there is a resurgence back to teaching and preaching of sound doctrine in many churches.  Truth seekers, take heart. soli deo gloria